Required Reading

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Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Academ's Fury by Jim Butcher

I am a fan of Butcher and love his Harry Dresden series.  This is got a slight flavor of Dresden in the humor but otherwise is full fledged fantasy and excellent at that.  The plot is a rebellion and those who oppose it.   I read The Furies of Calderon and reviewed it back on July 13, 2013.  I loved it.   I just reread it because I have gotten all of the currently released volumes in this series and I wanted to read it sequentially.    This volume continues to follow Tavi, a young man without any "crafting" in a society that is characterized by "crafting" or the manipulation of materials through an immaterial method, ie wizardry or sorcery. 

The all powerful First Lord intrudes on Tavi's life as well as his family.   His uncle Bernard and his aunt Isana loom even larger in this book.   There is a mystery about Tavi's birth and his personal realationships.   His relationship with Kitai, a former Marat enemy continues to evolve. 

The characters are once again the best part of Butcher’s tales.  Don’t get me wrong, his plots are excellent and his story telling sublime but his characterizations are terrific.

Butcher's characters are his stories strength.   His villains are more believable due to their pragmatic nature.  He gives back story on his villains so they are far more than just the embodiment of evil that seems to be prevalent in most fantasies. The motivation behind the villainy provides succulent content to the story.
I can’t wait to read the next one in the series.

I highly recommend the book.

This book may have been received free of charge from a publisher or a publicist. That will NEVER have a bearing on my recommendations.


  1. I admit, I've yet to give Butcher a read, but I'm looking forward to getting on board the bandwagon this summer with The Aeronaut's Windlass.

  2. Bob, let me know how you like it, I haven't read that one. I am really, really enjoying ths series.
