This story starts with a football hero and a stereotypical
nerd. Alex is the hero and Sam is the
nerd. Samantha is Alex’s tutor. The two discover that Alex isn’t what he
seems and that the world as they know it is about to change.
The authors have crafted a likeable pair of teenagers. They clearly show the over the top confidence
that some teens exhibit but in this case, Alex isn’t posturing, he really is
both physically and psychically a strong and good person. Sam is a very bright young lady who starts
to discover that her fiber is far stronger than she realized.
There are evil aliens, friendly aliens, a demented
billionaire, a psychopathic soldier, drones, astral projections, stoners and
ethnic diversity in the book. It is hard
to imagine how the authors could add any more variables.
They do a nice job is denigrating racial prejudice. They also exhibit how obsession and self
centered actions can lead to ignoring common decency.
There is non-stop action and a bit of mayhem.
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This book may have been received free of charge from a publisher or a publicist. That will NEVER have a bearing on my recommendations.