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Saturday, October 1, 2011

Warriors of the Edge by Katie Bridges

Reality and fantasy intermingle in the “Warriors of the Edge” game.   Tarek Ortzen discovers things about himself, his family and the worlds he lives in by playing the game. 

Ms. Bridges has adroitly extrapolated the future from the current level  of interest and capabilities of modern role playing or immersive games.   My grandson has intimate knowledge of WWII weapons, tactics and battles from playing his favorite game.   Ms. Bridges future is merely a step or two beyond current technology.    The difference is the blurring between gaming and realty.   There is some concern by sensationalists that current gaming is desensitizing kids to violence and promoting bad behavior.   Having observed a large pool of both young and older teens gaming at a local cyber-café over several years, as a former school counselor, I would have to disagree with the sensationalists.   The gaming is often cathartic for some of these kids.   The camaraderie developed during game play often carries over to “normal” behavior and provides a socialization experience for the participants.    Ms. Bridges shows the development of friendship and group integration in her books plot.

The premise is unique and thought provoking.   Multiple populations simultaneously occupying the same physical planet but skewed out of time so no physical interaction occurs is certainly thought provoking.  There may be others besides the known humans who are utilizing the same Tone technology and competing for the same dimensions.

There are some disturbing things like “mute” that certainly are draconian and frightening.   This is leavened with the friendship and growth of the characters.  There are times where it becomes a tad confusing but preserver, it is worth it.   As I understand it, this is the first book by Katie Bridges and one can hope there will be subsequent sequels.  

I recommend it.

Body of work of Katie Bridges

Web Site:

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