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Friday, March 18, 2011

The Dawn Country by Kathleen O’Neal Gear & W. Michael Gear

This is a tale of North American Natives and the harsh realities of their often cruel world and the 2nd book of the series.  

The Gears successfully combine history, archeology, sociology and fiction. They portray the Iroquoians as normal folks facing the pressures of their time. The interesting aspect is that humans react to stress in similar ways across the centuries.

This book picks up where the People of the Longhouse left off. I was delighted to see the same characters and a continuity of the story started in People of the Longhouse.

As I noted in my recommendation for People of the Longhouse, the Gears archeological roots provide their books with a sense of authenticity missing in similar novels. They show that human interaction is just that, interaction. That interaction clearly shows that the same motivations that fuel today’s international tensions motivated the tribal warfare around AD 1000.

The addition of additional tribal competitors to their eclectic war party adds an additional level of stress to the story. Sadly child slavery has not disappeared in our world in spite of it being 1100 years later than the time of this story. The fear of the children was clearly portrayed. In short, the Gears do a masterful job depicting human emotion with clarity.

Towa’s astounding degree of loyalty is a character study in and of itself. His conflict with Sindak is painful to read. Gannajero is a villain of epic proportions and her doppelganger is a portrayal of sadness. The kidnapped children’s relations provide insight in the sequel.

This is an excellent series.

I strongly recommend the book!

Body of work of W. Michael Gear

Body of work of Kathleen O’Neal Gear

Web site:

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