Required Reading

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Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Fall of Dorkun by D. A. Adams

This is the third installment of the Brotherhood of Dwarves series. The main storyline in this segment is the return of Roskin to home. There are many side stories in the segment as well. Frankly, I think that books one and two should be read prior to reading this.

I found the book very hard to follow. It was one of those stories that might have been far more entertaining if you understood what was going on. There was just entirely too much back story missing. The characters were somewhat superficial, but I suspect that that was mainly due to not knowing their back story.

I liked the book but I think I would've liked it a lot if I had read the previous two books.

Body of work of D. A. Adams

Web Site:


  1. It sounds disappointing but the cover is way cool!

    1. It's not so much disappointing as out of context, it needs more of a back story or reading the previous books. I did enjoy it and I have to agree the dwarf on the cover does look intent.
