When I heard that Death's Dance was accepted with Seventh
Star Press I was ecstatic because I had written the book with the hope of
getting in and it was a different road than the usual romance novel with
horrific elements that I normally write. And then I was told I could pick from
their talented artists I was floored because it was awesome. I looked over the
artist's portfolios and of all of them I liked one more, Enggar Adirasa.

Some time passed and the artist came back with a sketch of
the cover and it was different than what I expected, but it worked. He had gotten the hanging bodies, the reaper
and what I had asked for. However, when the final version came in colored and
all, the overall creep factor of it had been magnified by a hundred and I knew
I had made the right see decision about Enggar cause he got my vision and made
it his own while capturing the essence of the book.

Death’s Dance Blurb:
Being a psychic, you would think talking to the
dead was a walk in the park. However, it’s not always that simple. The hooded
specter haunting me is one I’ve been dreaming about since I was a kid. One day,
he appeared in my bedroom mirror. Good. Evil. I don’t know what his true
intentions are.
Enter Jackson, ghost hunting show host extraordinaire, and my ex, to save me from the big bad ghost.
From there…well…it’s been a world wind of complications. My house burnt down. I’m being stalked by an ancient evil and gotten myself back into the world of being a ghost hunting psychic. Jackson dragged me, along with a few other psychics, to a ghost town wiped off the map called Death’s Dance.
Enter Jackson, ghost hunting show host extraordinaire, and my ex, to save me from the big bad ghost.
From there…well…it’s been a world wind of complications. My house burnt down. I’m being stalked by an ancient evil and gotten myself back into the world of being a ghost hunting psychic. Jackson dragged me, along with a few other psychics, to a ghost town wiped off the map called Death’s Dance.
Death’s Dance Buy
Crymsyn is
a National Bestselling author of over seventy paranormal romance and horror
novels. Her experiences as a psychic have given her a lot of material to use in
her books. She currently resides in Charlotte, NC with her hubby and her three
dogs. If she’s not writing, she’s curled up with the dogs watching a good
horror movie or off with friends.
To find
out more about Crymsyn:
8/20 Stuart Conover’s Author Page Interview
8/20 SpecMusicMuse Interview
8/20 Azure Dwarf Post on Artwork
8/21 Come Selahway with Me Top Ten List
8/21 Armand Rosamilia, Horror Author Guest Post
8/21 SocialBookShelves.com Review
8/21 Blog of Sheila Deeth Character Post
8/21 A Haunted Head Guest Post
8/21 The Official Writing Blog of Deedee Davies Top Ten list
8/22 SBM Book Obsession Review
8/22 Bee’s Knees Reviews Guest Post
8/22 Seers, Seraphs, Immortals & More Interview
8/23 Reading Away The Days Review
8/23 Sapphyria’s Book Reviews Excerpt
8/23 Horror Tree Guest Post
8/24 Willow’s Author Love Review
8/24 The Rage Circus Vs. The Soulless Void Review
8/24 Bookishly Me Review
8/24 LucyBlueCastle Guest Post
This book may have been received free of charge from a publisher or a publicist. That will NEVER have a bearing on my recommendations.
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