Required Reading

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Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Overcaptain by L. E. Modesitt

Overcaptain by L.E. Modesitt


I believe that Modesitt is a philosopher who disguises his work as fictional.   Alyiakal is a Mirror Lance officer who is entirely too successful for the comfort of his superiors.  Unbeknownst to them for his continued life is his hidden Magi talent.   He surreptitiously uses his talent to complete missions that would be suicide for most young officers.  The book details his remote relationship with Saelora a young woman with Merchanter talent.

While the relational aspects of the book are entertaining what captures me is the soul-searching Alyiakal does in accomplishing his tasks as well as his contemplations on why the government is assigning said tasks.  It isn’t too hard to extrapolate his musings to the insidious relationships that exist between some of our government agencies and the industrial complexes that provide them with their goods and weapons. Take the $1000.00 wrench urban myth or truth as an example.

Occasionally I find the day-to-day descriptions somewhat plodding. They do not detract from the thought-provoking aspects of the book.

I highly recommend all of Modesitt’s books.

This book may have been received free of charge from a publisher or a publicist. That will NEVER have a bearing on my recommendations. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases if you click on a purchasing link below.#CommissionsEarned

Friday, August 9, 2024

Angel of Vengeance by Douglas Preston; Lincoln Child

The Pendergast family is well represented in the chapter of their story.  Constance Greene plays a more important role, too.   The story seemed too familiar initially and I thought I might have previously read the book.  However, it was merely setting up the back story which I like. 

One of my most frequent criticisms of series is the author’s lack of a back story.   Preston and Child provided the necessary context to follow the story.   1881 is the year that the story is initially focused on Dr. Leng, a Pendergast antecedent who is the main villain. 

There is a wealth of action, violence abounds, settings are both sumptuous and exotic as in a pirate tunnel.  The age of conspicuous consumption and international intrigue is alluded to and demonstrated as in the Rockefeller cottage.

I enjoyed the lavish settings and the intricate and violent plots and seeing surprising spots of sunshine is some normally dire characters.

I highly recommend. 

This book may have been received free of charge from a publisher or a publicist. That will NEVER have a bearing on my recommendations. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases if you click on a purchasing link below.#CommissionsEarned